Consent Banner
This page explains how to configure and deploy a CookieGo consent banner to your website(s).
It's important to create a consent banner because we need to give the end user the power to opt out of certain cookies that
This tutorial assumes that you completed the previous tutorial and have linked your domain and created a cookie scan. To complete this step, navigate to the CookieGo domains page
Create a Widget
In order to create a widget, navigate to the Cookies Widget
tab. Select the domain for which you will managing cookies. Now, look at the Current Template box on the right side and click Configure.
Widget Editor
Once the widget editor is open, you will see a page like the one below. This is where you can customize your cookie consent widget. Feel free to change the language and appearance of the widget to fit your needs. Once you are done, select Publish Changes
Under the General tab, you can customize general settings for your widget. This includes selecting from a list of provided templates for GDPR, CCPA, etc. Also, you can select geographical targeting settings.
Under the Layout tab, you can decide where your cookie banner will appear on your website.
Under the Content tab, you can customize each widget with language choices and cookie classifications. The Content tab includes the following configurable sections:
- Consent Template: name your template. You can use the name of the template to track user consent requests to a specific widget you have deployed. Naming is useful if you are managing more than one widget.
- Starting Page: customize the starting page language of your cookie banner.
- Preferences Page: customize the preferences page
- Preferences Page: customize the preferences page of your cookie banner. This is what users will see when they want to customize their cookie preferences.
- Cookie List: customize the cookies-list page of your cookie banner. This presents a configurable table of information to your users.
- Cookies Categories: customize the cookie categories on your cookie banner. This is directly connected with the classification of cookies from your scan.
Under Appearance, you can customize the colors of the cookie banner to match your brand colors or preferred color scheme.
After you have published your changes, you will be redirected to the cookies widget overview page. From here, click on the widget you just created and you will see a code snippet appear on the right side of the screen. This code snippet is your cookie widget. Simply copy and paste it onto the homepage of your website.
That's it! Congratulations on creating your first cookie consent widget! For more information on how to deploy with wordpress, please visit the next page.
If you would like to make a change to your widget after you have deployed it, you can make the change in the widget edditor. Save it. And the update will be reflected on your website without having to deploy a new code snippet.
Having Trouble Deploying Your Cookie Banner?
There are lots of different website builders and hosting services out there. You should be able to easily copy the code snippet and paste it into your website application code. Make sure your widget is visible on the layout of your website. If you have trouble deploying your cookie banner, see the Troubleshooting page.